Hello, everyone! I just signed up here, and have been reading up on some posts and such. As I wait for SoA to come back online, I figured I'd share some of my recent work, which I have started under the name Glyphboard Games. (
First of all, it's so good to see people posting here still. I had to stop playing and working because of so many different things.. To see that the game has been down for some time is quite saddening.
On a happier note, my coding and design skills have seriously improved over time, if I could say so; I feel as though I have practically mastered Director MX, and have been working with Director 12 as well. I have also been working on and off with the language Assembly 6502, and designing my own Nintendo Entertainment System games. ^^
A lot has been going on for me, to put it short. I even practically completed my first MMO engine which I designed from scratch. It can be found on my home page (the link above) but you will need a beta access key to create a character.
I'll attach a few screenshots of my work.