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SMF - Just Installed!

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 on: July 02, 2014, 06:49:04 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by John
I don't know where to begin. So good to see some activity here.

It dawned on me, just a few days ago, that I really want to work with you guys and enjoy the community of Secrets of Asherah. I remember getting stressed over terms of payment and such in regards to the client I designed from scratch. Rookie misunderstanding on my part, for never having sold or even received payment for any intellectual property. ^^;

I realize now that if I were to have any hand in the development of Secrets of Asherah, or really, a game and community that I have always loved, one that -inspired- me to code and design to begin with.. I think that's really what's important. Not how much I'd see in return, but the quality of time spent.

I'd have to say that all my time spent here was great, and I think I overwhelmed myself, wanting to start my own business and etc.
Looking forward to the game being up, which seems like a promising notion if I have understood correctly.

 on: July 01, 2014, 10:59:27 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Dias
I'd like Secrets of Asherah to be available for gameplay. Secrets of Asherah is one of the few games where i'm capable of being productive in a stress-free environment.

I've stopped playing the majority of the time consuming games. There's going to be a fair amount LOT of extra time as I start preparations for future endeavours in life.

The story of SoA is still in progress, I recently had a bit of a mathematical distraction. More like an argument but it's over the concept of infinity so yeah..
I'll be making an interesting type of plot layout for the story, to organize myself while writing. Otherwise i'll be rethinking ideas 50% of the time and deleting 99% of what I type due to the amount of off-topic subjects that could be written. I'll likely keep the two different worlds to relate and emphasize the gameplay experience of Secrets of Asherah (at least for me).

 on: July 01, 2014, 09:47:01 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Asherah
So, Dias will remember a really nice late-night conversation around the first of March during a storm, when the comp crashed three or four times and I told him, "The next time it crashes, I'm not going to try to put it back up." For a few days, I meant. So much for "limited access". I did back everything up and all the data is perfectly safe as of a couple of minutes before the last crash. Not that any of YOU will really care all that much because none of you were seriously PLAYING the game (except Apoc who had almost completely maxed everything naturally, which is, like, the first time in history that's ever happened).

So it's been uh..."a few days", right?

March 1 to July 1 is "a few days", isn't it?

In addition to yet another comp (they simply don't make 'em like they used to) (and, honestly, "normal PCs" are not intended to run at 100% capacity 24 hours a day), we have lost several important members of the community. Others have had a few changes in priorities and can't be as involved as they were before.


Dire - I want to hear about Chile in much detail
Cruise - How are you and your brother doing?
Linc - What the heck can I say!? I miss you and you all your 4,395 siblings and cousins
Apoc - I think about you very often
Revious - So many things to talk to you about
Dias - Beautiful story. I knew you had it in you
Noodle - Haven't heard from you in a while - it's good to see you.
John - The door is always open (except when it's not). Thanks for the email
Stef - ... Message me.

(And others. Apparently Nightrider was on the other forum and someone named OhPaigey, though I can't remember who that is.)

For those of you in or out of the loop
I talked to Jaemes from England a few weeks ago - he's very good, every bit as delightful as ever.

Avi's fine - he's working many hours a week and in the MA program at (some prestigious university in the Netherlands although I've forgotten which). Every two or three weeks, I say, "Hey should we put the game back up?" and he says, "I don't know, what do you think?" and I say, "I don't know, what do YOU think" and then we talk about something else.

Ein is also fine - he's working MANY hours at a university NOT in the Netherlands. Every two or three weeks, I say, "Hey should we put the game back up?" and he says, "I don't know, what do you think?" and I say, "I don't know, what do YOU think" and then we talk about something else.

One of the the things about the game is whatever else it is, it's the most adorable chat room ever. We COULD use IRC, but nobody WANTS to use IRC. There's something about talking on the game (and maybe doing a little mining, or farming or trying to hack items) that makes it somehow MORE satisfying than other available modes of chat. And I LOVE the game. I do! I LOVE walking around know, THINGS on the game.

So what do YOU guys want?

(Please note - if you send me an email from here it, I can see your email address but not a name. Please be sure to sign it since I often don't recognize your addresses!)

 on: July 01, 2014, 09:14:18 AM 
Started by Dias - Last post by Asherah
Awwww, that's kind of sweet...

 on: June 28, 2014, 07:52:10 PM 
Started by apoc - Last post by Cruise
Asherah can't go just can't! D:

 on: June 28, 2014, 07:43:49 PM 
Started by Dias - Last post by Cruise
Amazing work Dias! I myself have thought about righting a mini booklet of sorts about games but never had the talent for writing, (although I did a few pages about Skyrim, but are long gone now). We will be waiting with anticipation on the 2nd chapter! :)

 on: June 20, 2014, 11:43:10 PM 
Started by Dias - Last post by Diredog
Good lord that was amazing.  MORE, I DEMAND IT AS THE CHIEF ROYAL ASTRONOMER!  Haha, but no, really, that was awesome.

 on: June 20, 2014, 11:02:16 PM 
Started by Dias - Last post by Dias
Chapter One
           To Forp or Not to Forp

   Scanning the medieval style of graphics in Secrets of Asherah from a bird's eye viewpoint, I notice a cobblestone road likely leading to a town. Various trees and shrubs containing a variety of berries are on the map, along with a variety of rocks and boulders resting upon the earth. This is good, there is significantly less chance to draw attention. I open up the chat command service. Looking at the chat log, I type a teleportation command. "Dias Typed: program.file.Data.Character.send(Character(Dias)) to program.file.Area(Secret_Admin_Lounge)" slowly the particles of teleportation begin to envelope my character's sprites. "Yes, I have done it!I am immortal!!" I whisper with my heart racing, excitement flows through my body. I notice the particles starting to slowly dissipate from my character, causing feelings of unease. My hands cold, my body shivering, heart beating rapidly, I look at the script. Everything should have worked. "Why isn't this-" the sound of thunder rolls through the room, and an individual in a well donned black suit appears from thin -or perhaps thick for some- air into the map area of the character's position. Hairs on my neck raising like a tree reaching for sunlight, my entire body stiffens. Light teleportation particles casually flicker off the shoulders of the administrator's suit, a professional figure standing tall and proud, I look at the chat log. "Kaneda Typed: Have you been cheating, Dias?" fear flows through my entire frame, I struggle to breathe. Looking into the shimmering violet eyes of scrutiny and witty intellect, I respond to the question. Relaxing myself, I check the chat log, and I lie. "Dias Typed:  ........ no. >__>.... <__<" a smirk crosses my face. Certainly this will work. There is no way she would know of my ruse- the chat log updates, grabbing my attention from the maze of thoughts. "Kaneda Typed: "You're lying." from smirk to sheer terror, I roll back from the computer chair. The sound of thunder rolls through the room again, and lighting strikes my chest through the computer monitor. Sitting up straight, breathing heavily I wake to find myself still rested upon the rock, a knee high blue slime slowly shuckling toward my dark brown leather backpack. Its intent most likely to attempt to devour some of the contents within. "Thank goodness, it was just a dream. What a horrible world to think of! I'd better lay off the healing herbs for a while." with that statement to myself I proceed to gather my backpack, much to the slime's discontent, and begin continue on with the journey to Raventhorpe. The sun warming my back, the fresh scent of bread filling my nostrils, the gentle sway of the current of the wind gently guiding me towards my goal. I smile, today is certainly a day where the elements are in our favour. Guilt begins to pull upon my soul. Everything certainly is going well for an enriched and lucky adventurer such as myself, but this little blue slime certainly has seen better days. I search through my backpack and gather a small sample of bread, uncurling my hand I angle my wrist just enough to allow gravity to gently pull the bread to the ground, the impact of landing causing a slight bounce. “FORP” the sound of burbling coming from the slime, likely due to the frustration of losing an opportunity of digestion. After a few moments the little slime detects the bit of pastry and at a sloth-like pace slowly rolls over the source of carbohydrates. Leaving a trail of slimy ooze, I create a mental note of that fact. This will be a good way of detecting the living and hunting area of other, larger slime creatures. Speaking gently, to not disturb the creature's digesting, I say: “Nom Nom indeed, good sir or ma'am. Please do remember this gesture when you're capable of absorbing half a village”. Though that's certainly an exaggeration for the average slime, an adventurer can never remember too many countermeasures.

      ~ The path to knowledge is often found after the battle of discovery.

 on: June 01, 2014, 04:56:08 AM 
Started by Diredog - Last post by Diredog
We couldn't use the VLT, no.  That was during the day so you wouldn't see much with it, anyway! Haha.  But we did have some nice, 16 - 20 inch telescopes we could use at the place we were staying.  As soon as I get an adapter for my camera's memory card, I'll throw up the pictures from ALMA and the other places we saw, as well.

 on: May 28, 2014, 12:23:12 AM 
Started by Diredog - Last post by noodle
Wow, some cool pictures in there! Must have been a really fun trip.

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