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SMF - Just Installed!

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 on: July 03, 2014, 09:32:34 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Asherah

Okay, so DIAS WAS ON! (Which is funny, because he was the last person on in March.)

By the time I switched screens to say hello, though, the comp crashed.


 on: July 03, 2014, 09:25:59 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by John
Having trouble connecting to the server.  :-X

It appears as though it takes a little longer for the connection to time out compared to if the server was down though.

 on: July 03, 2014, 08:40:37 AM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Asherah
I'll see if I can get the game online today.

Okay, currently I am standing on the road to Keld, inspecting some airship pads. They seem to be in good shape.

The computer, however, is making ominous clicking sounds.

You will need Asherah 1.63 to log on.

 on: July 03, 2014, 06:39:48 AM 
Started by John - Last post by John
Thanks for the feedback!

Also, I'm really only proficient with the Lingo language of Director, and a language called Assembly 6502. If I were to learn to code for android, it may be awhile before any real work would be released.

That being said, there -is- an option within Director 12 to create iOS apps, I believe. Maybe not entirely the targeted audience, but it could be a start. Asherah and I were talking about android apps, and I think for now it is out of my limitations. However, anything is possible. This leaves me wondering if I will start studying android coding again, lol. I can understand wanting a more portable version of a certain game.

Overall, I need to talk concept with the admins again. We can see what we want to do, if anything, with my expertise and take it from there, as far as the browser-based client goes. :)

 on: July 03, 2014, 06:28:55 AM 
Started by John - Last post by Cruise
Nice sprites, not sure if this is off topic but have you thought of trying an android version of SoA? There has been some discussion about and android FSO client on the unfungames forums but idk if anything got done.

 on: July 02, 2014, 09:22:44 PM 
Started by John - Last post by John
I was sitting here, wondering about my next coding project and making random sprites to get the creative process moving, so I figured I'd share them here. :P

This is a Strong Man (Mutant) and a Bog Wizard.

On a side note, I'm also thinking of the potential in (if I continue coding the browser based/new SoA client) combat based activities, such as boss runs, dungeons, and etc with a bit more of a structure to it. I have to be honest, I haven't worked on the client very much since the original game has been offline, aside from fixing bugs. The client is pretty much good to go though, as far as a basic engine goes.

That being said, I can pretty much code anything into the client. So.. really any input would be taken into consideration. :)

 on: July 02, 2014, 06:27:05 PM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Cruise
Oh okay cool  :)

 on: July 02, 2014, 06:04:01 PM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Dias
I'm glad you asked. I was/have been pondering whether to add all of the characters who have played up to now until I realized the amount i'd have to include. I then wondered if I should just select those I remembered. Then I thought perhaps i'd have a thread with people requesting to be included.

All in all it'll be a mix of choices. I'll add people with distinctive personalities (to me) here and there. If people want to be included I can include them, though I might need a bit of background personality of gameplay to get an idea how to present them in the story. (i.e. Deadman/Apoc being demi-gods, Avian being Avian (Yay Gryphons ^-^ *tweet*). I'll try to add in a majority of the outstanding regulars. I might take a bit of searching of the names, and a lot of recalling of memories.

 on: July 02, 2014, 04:19:48 PM 
Started by John - Last post by John
Hello, everyone! I just signed up here, and have been reading up on some posts and such. As I wait for SoA to come back online, I figured I'd share some of my recent work, which I have started under the name Glyphboard Games. (

First of all, it's so good to see people posting here still. I had to stop playing and working because of so many different things.. To see that the game has been down for some time is quite saddening.

On a happier note, my coding and design skills have seriously improved over time, if I could say so; I feel as though I have practically mastered Director MX, and have been working with Director 12 as well. I have also been working on and off with the language Assembly 6502, and designing my own Nintendo Entertainment System games. ^^

A lot has been going on for me, to put it short. I even practically completed my first MMO engine which I designed from scratch. It can be found on my home page (the link above) but you will need a beta access key to create a character.

I'll attach a few screenshots of my work.

 on: July 02, 2014, 03:01:18 PM 
Started by Asherah - Last post by Cruise
I would like to see SoA back up, as It was my little distraction from the world and other things. When I wasn't playing Call of Duty or GTA or...sleeping? lol I was playing SoA and having pretty good chats with pretty much every person I saw on. (It seemed I was friends with every player)

Anyways, Me and my bro are good :) I just moved to Queensland on a tropical island in a little caravan park right next to the beach ^_^. It is good to see people are still keeping track of Secrets of Asherah.

Side Note - OH! btw Dias, will you perhaps include other players in the story?

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