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Messages - noodle

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Future
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:11:46 PM »
It has been ages since the last forum post, so I've gotten curious. With no posts and the website still being up what was going on?

Any plans for the future? A new engine? A whole new game?

Well I just ranted and wrote down 2000 characters giving suggestions and to make a whole new game and putting it on steam. Then realized how difficult it is to maintain the heart and soul of the game. Anyways, whats happening?

General Discussion / Re: OMG!? Where have you been!!!
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:04:00 PM »
Solar panels are really cheap now.

General Discussion / Re: Secrets of Asherah and Game-Play Clarity
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:12:57 AM »
dam dude

General Discussion / Re: Pictures from Chile (finally)
« on: May 28, 2014, 12:23:12 AM »
Wow, some cool pictures in there! Must have been a really fun trip.

General Discussion / Re: Asherah down?
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:38:58 AM »
The lack of information is scaring me!  :-\

General Discussion / Re: Remonstering
« on: November 23, 2013, 05:50:33 AM »
agreed with Rowdyy, also you can make broad sword with steel ingots and buy sword of hope from cairnwood

Personally, i'd add weaker monsters to starting area, just like 2-3 new ones and not let slimes be accessible till next town.

I feel as if you shouldn't have to mine 200 iron chunks just to be able to get the BS level to craft a broad sword.

General Discussion / Re: Remonstering
« on: November 20, 2013, 12:40:11 PM »
Alright so a big recurring problem I have noticed is really weak monsters in places where there should be stronger monsters.

Some things i noticed was health pads surrounded by monsters that couldn't even get you to the required hp to pass the pad...

Basically the only spot in the game that should contain Orcs, Wolves, Slimes, Imps should be the starting area.
Orcs and wolves together like peanut butter and jelly which obviously, you have already done.

Orcs, Wolves, and Imps. What are they doing on the road to Keld? There shouldn't be noob tier monsters in areas that shouldn't contain them. Mega slimes, Poison frogs, and Elves would make a lot more sense.

Essentially what you need to do is defend the city from noobs with monsters that repel them.

ALTHOUGH, towards the end of the road you have mega slimes, which is good. But there isn't a smooth enough transition from noob tier monsters to slightly less noob tier monsters.

Personally I find grinding monsters is the most fun and interactive way to acquire wealth.
I used to get a thrill out of getting that 1/200 drop I wanted to upgrade my character, but I find myself grinding for the same boring gold drops and then I buy the item.

I would much rather grind for like ~75 gold drops, and have other items thrown in there roughly equating to the same gold/hour. I find there being more variety in this, and more exciting when the item drops, instead of expecting the gold to drop you should be hoping for the items to drop, which in turn you get happy when the item drops. If that makes any sense?

Also I have noticed a lack of choices on how to aquire crafting materials.

Sense I like to kill monsters instead of breaking rocks. (I'd imagine everyone would like a little bit of variety) It would be cool to see more monsters that drop chunks (just like ice demon dropping ice chunks but all chunks being droppable, and drop rates from both mining and monster killing being balanced. It would also be cool to fight like treants that drop logs. I don't mean go overboard and chase giant fish through the forest, but I think you could do some cool stuff with this.

The drops I'd like to see would be something like this...


Leather cap
Leather boots
dirk or something slightly better then the starting melee weapon


Leather cap
leather armor
leather boots
short sword kinda rare


Chain armor
chain helmet
chain boots
short sword less rare then the wolves drop

Mega slimes

Plate helmet
plate boots

What happened to the broad sword and the sword of hope? I have not seen these anywhere.

I would also like to see some more really rare but awesome items being dropped.

Like Robes of invisibility that are like 1/300 from some tough monster, or Ring of Quickness.

I do understand that there is ALOT of humor in this game which is great but, I don't think dwarves for example should drop short swords, or higher end monsters dropping crappy health potions and elixers, all monsters drops should be relative to how hard they are to kill without a bunch of junk thrown in.

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