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Messages - Dias

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Future
« on: September 19, 2015, 05:57:18 PM »
It's difficult to tell what'll happen. The state of the server a while back was not that great, and i'm assuming the server went down because of lack of players. If there is going to be a time this year when SoA returns, it'd be sometime soon in preparation for October~December. Unfortunately, even the irc that the devs often frequent has been rather inactive as well.

General Discussion / Secrets of Asherah and Game-Play Clarity
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:56:42 AM »
In this thread i'll explain some of the methods that developers use (whether intentionally or not) to expand the availability and usability of games that lead to a successful game-play interface. Some of these may not be entirely available for use or feasible within a certain time-frame, but what this list will do is help define what could or couldn't be done within x amount of time.

Visibility, Visuals, and Vexing Variables (Okay maybe not the latter...)
Summary: From light to colors to the level of shading, all of them define a game just as much as the characters that are created.

The level of shading in a game, if any at all, will affect the subtle differences between cartoon-like game play and scary themes. If you look at an example such as Limbo (see:

Limbo most certainly strays far from typical design philosophies and in a way this game is actually more available (no colors used, which means no possible issues for color-blind individuals.). With the choice of lighting (in this case lack of colors), the shading of the game is different as well. Most of the environment would likely be much easier to detect and solve with better lighting and shading. Some parts of the game are fairly difficult to distinguish between a bear trap and a blade of grass. This is partly due to the fact that there is enough shading to give a blur effect to some of the elements. Some layers have more detail than others, which also gives clarity to the character's position.

Limbo most certainly would have been a much more difficult to notice, while being a much easier to play game, if color had been included and the shading had been more standard. The way Limbo made itself different, and thus an easy way to create a sequel to the game, is due to the somewhat exaggerated shading. The author of the game doesn't explain that the boy finding his sister in 'Limbo' is potentially the size of a snail. The clues that the boy is in fact miniature stem from the shading of the forest (notice how at times giant shading of forest trunks or branches are shown). One thing that I am a little particular about when it comes to the way the developer designed  the game is that the world is in between a miniaturized version of reality, and an expanded version of reality. There's blades of grass/weeds and flowers that seem in proportion to reality, yet in the background there's telltale signs that he is wandering around in a much smaller reality (the size of a spider, etc).

While  this might be an intentional design, i'm a little fussy about how it's being brought about. Sometimes it seems like one moment the character is of average proportion to reality, and the next moment he's become much smaller in proportion to the background setting.

Lighting is one of the many subtle changes to a game that can make it or break it. Creating a specific style of lighting generally leads to a more defined and unique game. Perhaps some games have full map lighting, others have none. Some have shaded area's, and so forth...
This website shows a fairly efficient way to display 2D light in a game. This would be a great way to give 'dungeons', such as the journey from Keld to Lyr, extra difficulty while giving clarity to the game-play.

Spells, Skills, and Combat Clarity
Summary: Spells, Skills and Combat give flow and 'fashion' to what could potentially be a stale game. If we were comparing the impact of spells, skills and combat style to shapes, it'd be like comparing a circle to a sphere. Animations give depth and character to what would otherwise be a fairly mathematical and/or 'plain' game.

Interactive User Interface
Most games that i've seen typically have specialized and unique icons and are contained within a square parameter (i.e. 120x120 pixel, etc.).
While this is fairly effective because the artist can clarify  a fair amount of the skill/spell's intent, it doesn't cover many other aspects of game-play.

For instance, let's say a user has 20 different spells to use with varying effects. Single-Target, Area of Effect, and Equipment Enhancement. Single target icons could be placed in a square container, Area of Effect icons could be placed within a circular container, and Equipment Enhancement icons could be placed within a triangular container.

Now even in the peripherals of a gamer, they should be able to fairly quickly distinguish the differences. This alone would create both clarity and uniqueness to a game's style, more-so if the coloration of the containers were different as well.

I'll post more about design and clarity philosophies later on today or tomorrow.

General Discussion / Re: Computer Update
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:18:22 AM »
Hey everyone, i've been on and off the website, checking in every once in a while. How are things going? There's been a bit of a delay of an update with regards to SoA's status.

General Discussion / Re: Programming Help
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:18:16 AM »
An online Java compiler. The website also links an address with tutorials in java:
Though some of the tutorials might have typos such as:

instead of

Which makes a significant difference... One works, the other doesn't. As far as the average java compiler goes, anyways.... But aside from little things like that issue I found, the website has fairly straight forward examples with snippets of code included.

General Discussion / Re: Computer Update
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:08:38 AM »
That's great news :)

General Discussion / Re: OMG!? Where have you been!!!
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:35:09 AM »
*Dias attempts to cast Good Morning* not enough mana.

Hurgh, is it morning already? ;-;

General Discussion / Re: Current Favorite Song(s)?
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:23:44 PM »
Haha Viol could probably be used as Dance music :P

There's a few patterns that i'm reminded of in this song that I can't quite figure out where i've heard it before. Pretty neat though :)

General Discussion / Current Favorite Song(s)?
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:12:37 PM »
Making a song thread just to see what kind of preferences are out there. Feel free to comment or add your own :)

Shawn Lane (Jazz/Rock Fusion, around 13 albums plus appearances) - Deep Umbra

Buckethead (Well... Buckethead. o_O. Has released 96 albums so far....) - Pike 65

Shawn Lane - Minarets This song has a bit of groove to it, while maintaining his style of writing.

General Discussion / Re: OMG!? Where have you been!!!
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:11:54 PM »
Once you do get the server parts, you should check the CPU temperatures via a program like Real Temp, to get an idea of the temperature of the CPU (Accurate temperatures at a specific CPU usage are usually accurate within 30 minutes, due to temperature build-up). It's a decent way to assess the significance of the changes of a hardware configuration. Adding another fan might show an average temperature drop of 10*F, or perhaps changing the alignment of the fans or adding a barrier to direct airflow improves the overall CPU temperatures. It's easier to see the results when there's a temperature value to compare to prior to the adjustments.

I'd certainly pay $5-$10 a month. A paypal donation button goes a long way for some services and programs.

General Discussion / Re: OMG!? Where have you been!!!
« on: July 08, 2014, 03:58:58 PM »
An example of a successful kickstarter would be this:

In that example they included quite a few features for people who are willing to fund the kickstarter. They presented what they're offering fairly well, and included some features to attract the funding. They pointed out the game style, and made points to what they wanted to accomplish and the realistic cost of it all.
Also to note is that the person or group have created a fairly notable game before.

There's also alternatives, this website mentions a few:

As for direct cost of servers, shows a price for a refurbished HP DL 360 server. By adjusting the components, the cost can be at minimum $134.95 to what I selected, which is:

- 2.8ghz single core xeon CPU (1st Socket)
- 2.8ghz single core xeon CPU (2nd Socket, optional. I chose the second socket to spread the CPU throttle, and also as convenient redundancy.)
-4GB PC-2100 RDIMM (For Secrets of Asherah i'm unsure of RAM usage, I assumed 4GB as a default for a Windows OS (Windows 7 I recommend 4GB)
-36GB 10k RPM 3.5" SCSI Hard Drive (The nice things about SCSI is simple Raid capability)
-36GB 10k RPM 3.5" SCSI Hard Drive (As an instant backup, using Raid means being able to mirror the 1st hard drive and when one fails, the other still operates perfectly fine.)
-Smart Array 5i+ integrated (For the Raid configuration)
-Redundant HP 325 Watt PSU (Includes two power supplies, extra is in case the other fails.)

Price: $219.93

This address link shows the nice design of airflow of the DL 360, and the redundancy of the fans.

General Discussion / Re: Browser-Based SoA Client - Updated
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:15:04 PM »
Very nice. :) Been doing a bit of much needed home computer maintenance. Other than that, doing a bit of research on types of methods of CPU cooling.

That and finding a better method than using bookmarks as documentation of information. XD

General Discussion / Re: Browser-Based SoA Client - Updated
« on: July 05, 2014, 10:02:57 AM »
I have experience with Actionscript, which Lingo is the predecessor of.

General Discussion / Re: Browser-Based SoA Client - Updated
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:34:18 PM »
Lingo seems to be an easy read language. The main complexity would be organizing the functions. Within the source I notice there's a lot of random little tidbits of code here and there.

I'll try to make an educated decision around the end of this weekend.

I'd like to see what you've been developing though ^-^ always curious how things work and don't work, how people think and organize projects etc.

General Discussion / Re: Browser-Based SoA Client - Updated
« on: July 04, 2014, 09:09:50 AM »
Sounds very interesting. I'm putting a lot of consideration in attempting to take a lot of the FSO lingo code and translate it to Java. I'll try to map out how the program functions and see how feasible that is (within a 1 year time frame)

General Discussion / Re: OMG!? Where have you been!!!
« on: July 03, 2014, 10:55:06 AM »

Alternating from dual socket to single socket works.

The computer runs at about 50-70% CPU Usage (if we're including the client). Which isn't that horrendous.

Temperature is about 70C which is expected, i'm using the default cooling system (3 fans) which could be improved.

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